A Love Story

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We live in a world in pursuit of love.

Film and television are often made around the premise of two people falling for one another. Most of us spend our whole lives chasing after this kind of romance. A love that fulfills, satisfies, completes us.

What we fail to realize is that what we are looking for is not something any human could ever truly satisfy. This Hollywood romance isn’t real love- it’s an imagined false narrative, a fantasy.

This, my friends, is good, good news. 

We don’t need to spend our lives running after an illusion. We need not spin ourselves into a frenzy of despair and despondence. This is all unnecessary.

We need only to simply look upon One whom our souls thirst for most, Christ. For it is He who will satisfy, fulfill, and love us beyond compare. 

He wrote the greatest Love Story we could ever ask for. His love took Him to the Cross, and yet, even there, it did not die. His love is not fragile. His love does not fail. 

We can spend our whole lives seeking a love story that will bring us “happiness” but we won’t ever find true, authentic joy until we delight in Him. 

“Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” -St. Augustine

If we paused the playlist of noise, just for a second… the “new and improved”, the "try harder and do better”… we might be astonished at the richness we find in the unfiltered quiet love of Christ.

His love is deep, abiding, patient, and endless. It’s for the worriers and the list-makers, for the chasers and the dreamers, and for the people who brush all of that off and go at their own pace.

Perhaps we give up these wild, modern, fanciful ideas of love, and take up a better one- the real one, the love that never fails and never gives up. 

The kind of love worth dying for. 

Maybe love looks less like blue-eyed starlets being wooed by handsome young men, and more like a Father who leaves the ninety-nine.

Maybe love is not something to chase, but rather, to receive. 

Maybe love is less about us… and more about Him.


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